It’s not just a treat, it’s a treatment.

Massage Therapy Treatment

Manual Muscle Manipulation

Have your muscle tension released and increase your range of motion through my intrinsic and extrinsic techniques. Helpful for repetitive muscle use injuries.

Manual Lymph Therapy

Experience gentle and effective manual Lymph Therapy that aids in post-surgery and post-illness recovery through soft lymph pumping techniques.

What sets me apart from other Massage Therapists?

My training and experience allow me to assess which muscles require treatment and treat those, rather than just a general body massage.

Doors are always open for any type of massage therapy services at Jerlene's massage therapy

Why choose me?

Come for a relaxing massage, and let me find and treat the problem.

“I came to Jerlene with pain in my lower back, and within two sessions it was gone!”

— Alexi Ginter, Client

Start your massage treatment today.